We got a late start to the business meeting portion of our reunion because the food was so good and plentiful!

The call to order came at2:19 pm. Frank Ruckman motioned to accept the previous year’s minutes and Betty Neal seconded. The motion passed.

There was no old business.

The new business discussion started with a date change for the 2014 Reunion. The NEW date is June 22 due to the dates of the Greenbrier Golf Classic and the resulting blackout of hotel availability.

Our discussion next turned to the shelter where we have been meeting for the past several years. We will be looking into the feasibility of meeting somewhere else. Darren Winebrenner has been responsible for securing the rental of the shelter as a donation from him personally. This came as a surprise to all who attended and was greeted with much gratitude for such a thoughtful gesture.

Deaths that occurred since the 2012 reunion were as follows:

Dickie Cavendish,
Virginia Dalton,
Sally Henry,
Lou Martin, and
Reba Nye.

The balance of our savings account stands at $400. At this point introduced ourselves and told a little bit about who we were.

The 2012 scholarship fund collection was $1200. Our balance in the scholarship fund is over $30K.

The scholarship fund awarded scholarships in the amount of $500 to Pam June, Lindsey June, and Robyn Smith. Darian June was given a provisional scholarship to be awarded once she reached full-time status.

There were no new applicants for the year 2013; only returning ones.

Through the year 2012, the scholarship committee has awarded $30,700 in scholarships to Ruckman descendents!

The 2013 collection for the scholarship fund was $817.

The meeting was adjourned and all stayed to converse with one another and enjoy each other’s company.

Those in attendance were: Betty Ruckman Tenney, Lavina Ruckman, Gaye Williams, Linda, Ben, & Nick Foster, Darren Winebrenner, Bob Henry, Lisa, Don, & David Cipriano, Mark Neal, Ruth Neal, Betty Neal, Bob Ruckman, Vicki Dove, Laura Higbee, Frank & Sylvia Ruckman, Gale Ruckman Smith.