The meeting was called to order at 2:15. Frank Ruckman moved that we accept the minutes from 2013; Betty Neal seconded it.

The treasury report was given by Darren Winebrenner with no change.
New business was next on the agenda.
There was a discussion about sending out the newsletter only by email to save money.
Bob Henry motioned to also send it out by the US postal system, Frank Ruckman seconded, motion passed.
Bob Krodel’s obituary was read. The head of the scholarship committee, Frank Ruckman, told about Julian Phillips leaving a bequest in his will to the Ruckman Scholarship Fund. Bill and Peggy Alexander, executor of the will, were present and read Julian’s obituary. They announced that Julian had left $5000 to the scholarship fund. Frank gave the status report about the scholarship fund.
There are three returning students receiving $500: Darian June, Pam June, and Robyn Smith. There are three new students receiving $1000: Courtney Bond, Thomas Henry (through a Skype interview), and Dana Ruckman. $40,800 has been given to scholarship recipients from 1988 to 2014. Diane DiPaolo motioned for us to meet at this same park in 2015 on June 21. Frank Ruckman seconded. Mark Neal announced that Daniel Griscom had married. Diane DiPaolo announced that her daughter, Erica, had married. 2 new members joining our clan! We introduced ourselves and gave some background information about us. Julie Waltrip motioned to adjourn. In attendance were: Steven Shrader, Darren Winbrenner, Bob Ruckman, Julie Waltrip, Lorrie Boone, Courtney Bond, Tammy Priestly, Dana Ruckman, John Andrew Ruckman, Jr, John Ruckman, Sr, Bob Henry, Betty Neal, Ruth Neal, Vicki Dove, Emily & Wyatt Dove, Mark Neal, Nancy Scipioni, Diane DiPaolo, Sylvia & Frank Ruckman, Rick & Gale Smith, guests Bill & Peggy Alexander.