We had 27 Ruckman descendants, family and friends join us in 2012 for the 80th annual Ruckman Reunion. As you can see, our numbers continue to get smaller.

We were thrilled to once again have many young people attend, as well as many that have never attended before. Hopefully, they will make it a routine part of their summer holidays.

The Reunion began with a delightful meal and fellowship. Whether homemade or store bought, the food that everyone brings is great. Keep it up.

The business meeting was called to order at 2:45. Bob Ruckman, current President, welcomed everyone.

Under old business, Gale Ruckman Smith reminded everyone to continue submitting new and updated address so we can reach out to as many people as possible.

The first piece of new business was to pass around a sympathy card to be signed for Sally Henry.

Next, changes to the Scholarship Bylaws, as approved by the Scholarship Committee, were read. A motion was made by Frank Ruckman to approve the changes and was seconded by Vicki Dove. The motion passed with no one opposed. The next order of business involved banking changes, including a name change to Ruckman Heritage Foundation, Inc. and adding Vicki Dove as a second signatory. The motion passed with no opposition.

The treasurer reported the general fund balance at $502. No general collection was made this year as the balance was considered adequate.

Lastly under New Business, Vicki Dove provided the balance of the Scholarship Fund and the amount collected this past year. The balance in 2011 was $32,849.65. $1100 was donated bringing the 2012 balance to $34,705.59. A plea was made for donations to the Scholarship Fund since no general collection was made at this year’s reunion. $850 was collected.

Gene Winenbrenner gave a report from the scholarship committee, highlighting the results of interviews with the scholarship applicants. This is a new requirement implemented this year. Four scholarships were awarded this year to Pam, Lindsey and Darrien June and Robyn Smith.

As always, the scholarship application can be accessed online at: www.ruckmanfamilyhistory.org.

Before the meeting was closed, a motion was made to retain all officers in their current positions through 2014. The motion was approved. When the business was taken care of, we went around and introduced ourselves, as there were a few people who had never attended before. We are happy they decided to join us, as fun was had by all!

At this point, Frank Ruckman made the motion to adjourn and it was seconded by Gale Ruckman Smith. Lastly, we want to thank Mark Neal for all his efforts getting the pavilion set up, decorated and ready for the reunion activities.