June 24, 2012 Ronceverte Island Park

2011 Meeting Minutes

We had 27 Ruckman descendants, family and friends join us at the 2011 Ruckman Reunion. As you can see, our numbers continue to get smaller. We were thrilled to have many young people attending, some for the first time, which brings joy to our hearts!

The Reunion began with a delightful meal and fellowship. Whether homemade or store bought, the food that everyone brings is great. Keep it up. The carved fruit baskets were a hit last year.
The business meeting was called to order at 2:20.
The treasurer reported the general fund balance at $447.

Bob Henry suggested we continue mailing newsletters and scholarship applications, which was seconded by Frank Ruckman. The discussion focused on the desire to use e-mail as much as possible in order to reach more people and reduce costs. We will continue to mail to those that do not have e-mail or desire a paper copy. The motion was passed. Next, a collection was taken for the general fund, with $120 collected. Cards were passed around to be signed for Reba Nye, Betty Sue Ruckman, Bob and Elizabeth Krodel, Diane DiPaulo, and Dickie Cavendish. Gene Winenbrenner gave a report from the scholarship committee, stating that it is not perpetual yet, which means it is not self-sustaining. There were no scholarships awarded this year, as the one application received was not submitted prior to the deadline. Rachel and Rebecca Smith both spoke to their thanks in receiving a Ruckman scholarship and how it benefited their education. Gene also reported that his niece Cheryl Rhodes appreciates her scholarship. The scholarship application can be accessed online at: www.ruckmanfamilyhistory.org. It was recommended that the scholarship committee form a sub-committee to review the by-laws. It was agreed and Frank Ruckman, Gale Ruckman Smith, and Bob Henry were designated as members of the sub-committee. A total of $1320 was deposited into the scholarship fund in 2010, and a total of $945 was collected this year. The list of donations to the scholarship fund was read aloud. When the business was taken care of we went around and introduced ourselves, as there were a few people who had never attended before. We are happy they decided to join us, as fun was had by all! Vickie Dove then read a poem written by Alice Arbogast. At this point, Gale Ruckman Smith made the motion to adjourn and it was seconded by Frank Ruckman. Group photos were taken. Don’t forget to share.


President – Bob Ruckman
Vice President – Bob Henry
Secretary – Gale Ruckman Smith
Treasurer – Darren Winebrinner
Scholarship – Gene Winebrinner
Historian – Gale Ruckman Smith