2007 Ruckman 75th Reunion
Our 75th Reunion July 1, 2007 Ronceverte Island Park

2007 Meeting Minutes

The 75th anniversary of the Ruckman Reunion was warm and sunny. Since this was a milestone event, we had a photographer on hand to record those in attendance for posterity. 30 people were in attendance. Not quite what we hoped for.

We took the picture first and then settled down to partake of the bountiful feast. After all tummies were full, we commenced to the business portion of the reunion.

The business meeting was called to order at 2:45 by President Bob Ruckman. There was no old business. New business started with the fact that this was an election year. Julie Waltrip motioned to keep the offices filled with the same office holders. Vicki Dove seconded it. The motion carried.

A collection for the general fund was not taken. Money from it will be sent to the scholarship fund to earn interest. Linda Winebrenner gave the treasurer’s report for Darren Winebrenner. We currently have $363.60 in the general fund.

The scholarship report was given by Vicki Dove. As of June, we have a balance of $32,199.27 in the scholarship fund. This has grown from a balance of $30,431.35 in May of 2006. There were 2 repeat scholarship applicants, Erica DiPaolo and Rachel Smith.

There were 3 new applicants, Natalie DiPaolo, Blaine Higbee, and Rebecca Smith. All 5 applicants were awarded scholarships. A collection for the scholarship fund was taken up, netting in $1250.

Remember, memorials can be given to the scholarship fund, or what about leaving a legacy to the fund? A Ruckman mind is a terrible thing to waste! The scholarship application can be found on the back of this newsletter.

Sales of t-shirts with the Ruckman coat-of-arms and glasses were also available.

A card was passed around to be signed and then sent to Bob & Elizabeth Krodel who couldn’t make it this year to the reunion.

Prizes provided by Betty Sue Ruckman were given out to those who won the drawings. Diane DiPaolo received an engraved silver clock, Sally Henry received an engraved silver tray, and Virginia Dalton received a framed picture of the 1934 reunion.

Alice Arbogast received an award for being the oldest Ruckman in attendance. Betty Sue also gave everyone bookmarks and keychains in the shape of WV with today’s date and event memorialized on it. The meeting was adjourned.

Many people stayed to identify pictures and many stories were told about such pictures. A great time was had by all. Looking forward to seeing all of my friends and relatives at the 2008 Ruckman Reunion on July 6, 2008.

Respectfully submitted,
Gale Ruckman Smith


President – Bob Ruckman
Vice President – Linda Winebrinner
Secretary – Gale Ruckman Smith
Treasurer – Darren Winebrinner
Scholarship – Gene Winebrinner
Historian – Gale Ruckman Smith


Scholarship Application for Calendar Year _______

Purpose of the Scholarship Fund: To assist descendents of David Little Ruckman and Priscilla Wade Ruckman who plan to continue their education in an accredited technical school, business school or college.

Name_________________________________________Birth Date____________

Address & Phone Number_____________________________________________

Parent’s Names_____________________________________________________

Descendant of______________________________________________________

High School and year of graduation_________________________________

Principal’s name and school address________________________________

Course of study (academic, business, etc)__________________________

Class Standing________
List activities and significant accomplishments (use additional page if necessary)______________________________________________________

Are you employed? If so, where_____________________________________

Your income_____________ Approximate Income of Parents_____________

Name and address of college________________________________________

Name of registrar__________________________________________________

Field of study__________________ Expected length of program________

Annual Tuition___________________ Attending full time: Yes No

Are you receiving any scholarships or loans? Please list amounts____________________________________________________________

How much financial help will you receive from your family?_________

Please submit 3 letters of reference to the committee. References must not be related to the applicant. Please send transcript of credits from high school or college with school seal and signature of registrar to the scholarship committee. Please provide proof of registration as a full time student carrying at least 12 credit hours per semester.

The application, reference letters and transcripts are to be sent to:

Mr. Gene Winebrenner, Chairman
Rt 2 Box 278
Lewisburg, WV 24901