Meeting Minutes –Saturday June 21, 2014

The RUCKMAN HERITAGE FOUNDATION scholarship committee meeting met at the Hampton Inn in Lewisburg, WV at 3 p.m. In attendance were Frank Ruckman, Ruth Neal ex-officio, Mark Neal, Vicki Dove, Betty Neal, Robert Henry, and Diane DiPaolo.

The first order of business was the Edward Jones account in which the scholarship funds are held. Franklin presented a packet of papers which summarized the fund’s performance over a period of time. This included a combination of graphs and charts. A discussion followed about combining funds into one account, and at the same time, getting the best interest rate. Also discussed was whether or not any income produced would warrant actions with the federal government to be sure that all regulations would be met. A motion was made, seconded, and voted upon that Vicki would bring these concerns to our representative at Edward Jones and to make changes on the account as needed.

Next, Vicki presented the most current Edward Jones report to show the monies received and the monies given out for scholarships.

The third order of business was interviewing the new applicants. We interviewed Courtney Bond and Dana Ruckman in person and a third applicant, Thomas Henry, was interviewed on skype. His family was traveling and not able to attend this weekend.

After the interviews, we discussed the repeat applicants which included Pam June, Darien June, and Robyn Smith.

A motion was made, seconded, and voted on unanimously to award a total of $4500 in scholarships to the applicants as follows:

NEW APPLICANTS – $1000 each


Since the only board member’s term to expire next year was Diane’s, a motion was made, seconded, and voted upon for her to continue as secretary for another 3 year term.

The last order of discussion was using skype as an interview method. It was decided that this would be used in extreme or emergency cases.

The meeting adjourned at 5:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Diane DiPaolo,