Saturday, July 3, 2010

Members in Attendance

Ruth Neal
Vicki Dove
Betty Neal
Gene Winebrenner
Franklin Ruckman
Diane DiPaolo

The meeting was held at the Hampton Inn board room at 5 p.m. and opened by chairperson Gene Winebrenner. The first order of business was a review of the 4 scholarship applications, 3 from previous undergraduate scholarship awardees and 1 from Rebecca Smith who is undergoing to be a graduate student. Since the by-laws state that the awards are giving to undergraduates, Rebecca Smith’s application was denied. The other applications were reviewed and accepted. Scholarships of $500 each were awarded to:
Blaine Higby
Sarah Lawrence
Michael Lawrence

The committee thought that it would be important for first time applicants for the scholarship to interview before the committee at the Saturday scholarship committee meeting prior to the reunion. This would give the scholarship committee a chance to get to know the recipients of the scholarship, as well as increase attendance at the reunion. This was left to be brought up before those in attendance at the reunion to be voted on.

Since the scholarship awards this year would amount to $1500, and the checking account that is connected to the scholarships had a balance of $251.52, it was voted on and seconded that we use some of the funds from the Ruckman Heritage Foundation Scholarship Fun CD that will come due on 7/23/10. With respect to the CD, which totals $25,000.62, the committee decided that our Edward Jones representative, Katie Eads, will be contacted to help us decide how to best reinvest the money.

The last order of business was a discussion of several terms of office that were due to be completed this year. IT was decided that these members would stay in office for another term.

The meeting concluded at 6:05 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Diane DiPaolo