June 30, 2007
Minutes of the
Ruckman Heritage Scholarship Foundation Committee Meeting

Members in attendance:
Ruth Neal
Vicki Dove
Betty Neal
Gene Winebrenner
Diane DiPaolo

The meeting was held at the home of Vick Dove at 5:30 p.m. The first motion was made to close out a smaller checking account with First Citizen’s Bank and to open a money market checking account with a higher interest rate. The motion was seconded.

There was a discussion about officers whose term would expire this year. For chairperson, Gene Winebrenner was nominated and seconded, for a three year term until 2010. Vicki Dove will again serve as treasurer until 2010. Ruth Neal, who steps down as chairperson, will stay on the committee until the term ends in 2010.

The scholarship funds were discussed, a motion was made, and it was seconded to disperse the funds as follows:

3 new applicants –

Blaine Higbee $1000.00
Rebecca Smith $1000.00
Natalie DiPaolo $1000.00

2 repeat applicants –

Rachel Smith $500.00
Erica DiPaolo $500.00

The last item of discussion was for the newly elected chairperson, Gene Winebrenner, to make a request at the reunion for anyone to give a followup on scholarship recipients.

The meeting adjourned at 6:10 p.m.

It was decided after the meeting that Frank Ruckman would become a committee member in place of Ruth Neal, who would like to retire as a committee member.

Diane DiPaolo