July 2,2006

President Bob Ruckman called the meeting to order. The minutes were read and approved. Ruth Neal motioned to approve; Linda Winebrenner seconded. Everyone in attendance introduced themselves and explained their lineage.

The treasurer, Darren Winebrenner, gave the treasurer’s report. We have a balance of $160.96 in the account. There “was a service charge of $3.00 which forced us to change to a different bank. Bob Henry motioned to accept and Frank Ruckman seconded. All officers are staying the same as no terms are up. We took up a collection for the general fund
which netted $206.00.

The scholarship report was given by Vicki Dove. Scholarships
in the amount of $1000.00 were given to Erica DiPaolo and Rachel Smith. A $500.00 scholarship was also given to Scot Halen. Awards were also given to Dickie Cavendish for representing the “oldest person present”, Ruby Anne Ruckman for being the youngest person present, Betty Sue Ruckman for traveling the farthest,

Frank Ruckman suggested that we report the total amount of the checking account and the total amount of the Edward Jones account (which is the Scholarship account). It was also suggested that it be announced that donations to the Scholarship Fund are tax deductible. $2200.00 was collected for the scholarship fund. Linda Winebrenner reported that a previous scholarship recipient graduated from West Virginia University 2 years previously. She has been awarded her masters degree and is currently working on her doctorate in Audiology. She graduated at the top of her class. 2007 will be the 75th year that the Ruckman Reunion is in attendance!

Door prizes and gifts will be given to those who attend.

Please bring any and all old photographs to share with others, especially if you need help identifying those in the picture. We plan to have a professional photographer there.

Now is the time to come if you have missed a few years.
We hope to see all of you there!