The Little Levels community was called upon to mourn one of our most substantial citizens recently in the death of
Matthews Ruckman, which occurred at his home near Millpoint on February 2, 1911, in the fifth-fifth year of his age. Mr.
Ruckman was a man of quiet, retiring disposition and habits, very fond of his home and family, and yet holding in a
marked degree the highest esteem of all who knew him. He exhibited the qualities of sterling probity and steadfastness to
principle that made his character one to be admired by those who knew him best. He was still in the prime of life, and in
the full vigor of his usefulness as husband, father, neighbor, friend. He left behind to mourn his sudden departure, a wife
and two children–Miss Madge the younger who, since she left school, has made her home with her parents, and Fred
Ruckman, who has been practicing his profession, the law, with bright prospects, in Richmond, VA. The sympathy of the
whole community is with them in their great loss.