July 2, 2005

The Scholarship Committee met at the home of Vicki Ruckman Dove on Saturday evening for the purpose of their annual meeting and selection of scholarship recipients.
Present were Chairman Ruth Neal, Linda Winebrenner, Betty Neal and treasurer Vicki Dove, absent was Robert Ruckman.. Applications had been previously mailed to the entire committee, with ample time for their perusal. The committee was in total agreement to present the following scholarships: Erica DiPaolo $1000.00, Rachel Smith $1000.00, Scott Halen $500.00, and Brandon Tenney $500.00.

All of the applicants except Rachel Smith were repeat recipients.

President of the Ruckman Reunion has always served as ex-officio on the committee, due to the passing of President Skip Neal, a new president will be elected on Sunday and will serve on next year’s committee.

Addendum: At the annual gathering on Sunday, July 3rd, election of officers proceeded with Robert Ruckman being elected as President of the clan. Thus he will serve ex-officio on the scholarship committee. Being as he was presently on the committee and cannot serve in both capacities, Diane DiPaolo was chosen to fill his vacancy. Also Gene Winbrenner joined the committee.