July 4, 2004

President Skip Neal called the 2004 Ruckman Reunion business meeting to order at 2:15 p.m. A moment of silence was observed in remembrance of those who had passed away the previous year. Terry Robbins shared with the group observances about his mother, Kathleen, and invited us to the memorial service to be held later this same day.

A motion from Bob Krodel and a second from Reba Nye accepted the 2003 minutes. Linda Winebrenner, standing in for treasurer Darren Winebrenner, gave the treasurer’s report. We paid $50 to the church for the previous year’s rental, $10 to reserve the Ronceverte Island Park, and $166 to copy and mail the newsletter. The general fund balance stands at $94.17. Bob Ruckman moved to accept the report and Bob Henry seconded the motion. Bob Ruckman then moved to have the 2005 Reunion at the same place. The vote passed.

Vickie Dove gave the Scholarship committee report. She reported the names of those who gave memorials to the Scholarship fund. The Scholarship Fund balance stands at $22,988.47. The 2004 Ruckman Scholarship was awarded to Erica DiPaolo in the amount of $1500. Erica is the daughter of Diane Altizer DiPaolo, granddaughter of Odis Rhodes Altizer, and great-granddaughter of Gertrude Mattie Ruckman Rhodes.

Two collections were taken up. $145 was collected for the general fund and $1317 was collected for the scholarship fund. Recognition for traveling the greatest distance was bestowed on Reba Nye. The oldest member attending was Verna Rhodes. Bob Ruckman had the greatest number of family members attending. Forty-two Ruckman relatives were in attendance. We adjourned at 2:50 p.m.


President – Skip Neal
Vice President – Linda Winebrinner
Secretary – Gale Ruckman Smith
Treasurer – Darren Winebrinner
Scholarship – Gene Winebrinner
Historian – Gale Ruckman Smith


Scholarship Application for Calendar Year _______

Purpose of the Scholarship Fund: To assist descendents of David Little Ruckman and Priscilla Wade Ruckman who plan to continue their education in an accredited technical school, business school or college.

Name_________________________________________Birth Date____________

Address & Phone Number_____________________________________________

Parent’s Names_____________________________________________________

Descendant of______________________________________________________

High School and year of graduation_________________________________

Principal’s name and school address________________________________

Course of study (academic, business, etc)__________________________

Class Standing________
List activities and significant accomplishments (use additional page if necessary)______________________________________________________

Are you employed? If so, where_____________________________________

Your income_____________ Approximate Income of Parents_____________

Name and address of college________________________________________

Name of registrar__________________________________________________

Field of study__________________ Expected length of program________

Annual Tuition___________________ Attending full time: Yes No

Are you receiving any scholarships or loans? Please list amounts____________________________________________________________

How much financial help will you receive from your family?_________

Please submit 3 letters of reference to the committee. References must not be related to the applicant. Please send transcript of credits from high school or college with school seal and signature of registrar to the scholarship committee. Please provide proof of registration as a full time student carrying at least 12 credit hours per semester.

The application, reference letters and transcripts are to be sent to:

Mr. Gene Winebrenner, Chairman
Rt 2 Box 278
Lewisburg, WV 24901