July 6, 2003

Some 43 kin folks were present (On Sign-in Sheet)

At 2:10pm the 2003 business meeting of the Ruckman Clan was called to order by Skip Neal, President, after a fine “pot lucku meal was eaten by all. Everyone present introduced themselves and told a little about themselves.

The minutes of the 2002 Ruckman clan reunion meeting were accepted, as mailed and as presented. The current set of officers were present and are:
Aaron Neal-President,
Bob Henry-Secretary,
Darren Winebrenner-Treasurer,
and Gale Smith-Historian.
Secretary Henry gave his report. A sign-in sheet was circulated by Gale Smith.

Treasurer Winebrenner gave his report: Before today’s collection, the General Fund balance was $214.15. The collection today for the General Fund was $105.16, making the new balance $319.31. Motion passed to pay for the shelter this year of $50 to the Presbyterian Church.

Vickie Dove reported that the Scholarship Fund has a total of $22,965.12. T-shirts were sold for the scholarship fund making $45. No new scholarship apps. were received. This year, $801.00 was collected for the Scholarship Fund. The Scholarship committee is composed of Ruth Neal(Chairman), Vickie Dove, Bob Ruckman, Linda Winebrenner, Betty Neal (replacing Martha Parcher who died), & Skip Neal. Any Ruckman descendent is eligible. ” A Ruckman mind is a terrible thing to waste,” it is said.

Election of officers was held. Darren Winebrenner was re-elected Treasurer. Skip Neal was re-elected President. Bob Henry expressed that he would be willing to serve as Secretary for another term. Vicki Dove nominated Gale Smith for Secretary. The President called for a vote for Gale Smith for Secretary. She was elected Secretary. All new officers are for a 3 year term. Gale Smith will remain Historian.

Recognition of the following was made:
Greatest distance traveled–Julie Chalmers;
Most members present–Charles Ruckman family;
Oldest member present– Charles Ruckman;
Most grandchildren–Virginia Dalton.

A discussion was held about where to have the 2004 and beyond reunion, since the church will not let us use this shelter any longer (they want to use it).

After 4 places were presented, Ronceverte River Park was selected for a $10 fee and to keep the reunion on the lsL Sunday of July each year.

The next Ruckman Reunion will be Sunday July 4, 2004. It was decided to have mugs and glasses made with the Ruckman crest on them to sell next year. The business meeting ended at 3:00pm. Folks visited until 4pm or so before departing.

Group photos were taken by many on each of several cameras.
Respectfully Submitted: Bob Henry (Former Sec.)

President – Skip Neal
Vice President – Linda Winebrinner
Secretary – Bob Henry
Treasurer – Darren Winebrinner
Scholarship – Gene Winebrinner
Historian – Gale Ruckman Smith