July 4, 1999

At 2:10pm the 1999 business meeting of the Ruckman Clan was called to order by Skip Neal, President, after a fine “pot luck” meal was eaten by all present introduced themselves and told a little about themselves.
Jack Fellure, u. S. Presidential Candidate for year 2000, from the Hurricane, WV Presidential Campaign Headquarters, introduced himself and told us of his platform and position. He found us through an associate, 77 year old Dr. Peter S. Ruckman, of Kansas, and by reading about our reunion in the newspaper.

The minutes of the 1998 Ruckman clan reunion meeting were accepted as mailed and as presented.

The current set of officers, elected July 5, 1998, were present
and are:

Aaron Neal-President,

Bob Henry-Secretary,

Linda Winebrenner-Treasurer,

and Bob Ruckman-Historian.

The Secretary gave his report.

The Treasurer gave her report: before today’s collection the balance was $276.45 — that is $408.38 (this time last year) plus interest minus$142.97 postage and expenses. The collection for the general fund was $82.00, making the new balance $408.45.

It was reported by Vickie Dove that the Scholarship Fund has a total of
$11,749.57. This was before this year’s collection and auction. $1425.00 was
collected for the Scholarship Fund. The Scholarship committee, composed of
Vickie, Ruth (not present), Elizabeth, Linda, & Martha, met Saturday night before
the reunion. The committee re-appointed Ruth for another 3 yr. term. Since Linda
was Treasurer Of the General Fund and was new on the Scholarship Committee, a new General Fund Treasurer was elected, that being Darren Winebrenner (let’s keep it in the family).

A donation of $50.00 was approved for the shelter at Clifton Presbyterian Church (CPC).

There was some discussion on where to hold the Ruckman reunion. Bob Henry
moved to have it at Watoga State Park, where we had had it for years but were not able to do so last year because it had been reserved by others, where there is
nice wooded surroundings, near the origin of the Ruckmans, and nearer for the
Pocahontas branch of the Ruckmans. The vote was 18 to have it at the stark, hot,
no trees, out-in-the-sun shelter at the CPC and 2 to have it at the beautiful,
wooded, by-the-stream State Park. Guess where we are having it in 2000?

A card was circulated in the group for Ruth Neal, who was not at this
reunion due to having had back surgery.

Of those present:
The couple married the longest–54 yrs.–was Lee Van & Gwen Ruckman

The oldest–87 yrs.-was Mae Ruckman

Traveled the furthest-from California-Bill, Reba, & Trudy Nye

I quote Bill “Driving among idiots”

First time attendees-Berry Dalton, Rosalie Rhodes,

Elizabeth McConnell, Van & Barbara Ruckman
Guest—-Jack Fellure

Business meeting ended at 3:10pm. Folks visited for another 15 min. or so
before departing (too hot to hang around in the sun with no trees or creek).

Those 33 or so souls present were (On Sign-in Sheet) :

Robert & Julie Ruckman
Bob & Sally Henry
Wallace Gum
Vickie Dove
Rick & Helen Ruckman
Aaron & Betty Neal
Jeromy Dove
Gene & Linda Winebrenner
Jack Fellure (Guest)
Virginia Dalton
Arron & Betty Ruckman
Malissa Gum
Lee Van Ruckman, Jr.
Alice R. Arbogast
Berrye Dalton
Elizabeth McCommell
Rosalie Rhodes
Martha Parcher
Van & Barbara Ruckman
Mae Ruckman
Gwen Ruckman
Othello Ratz
Bill & Reba Nye
Darian Winebrenner
George Spruce, IV

Respectfully Submitted by:
Bob Henry, Secretary
3510 Fox Glen Dr.
Colleyville,TX 76034