July 5, 1998

At 1; 42PM the meeting of the Ruckman Clan was called to order by Robert Ruckman, President. A letter was read from Max Gum who was resigning as historian for the group. A letter was also read from Kathleen Robbins who resigned as Treasurer for the General Fund of the Ruckman Reunion. It was generally questioned as to why the General Fund and the Scholarship Fund had been kept together as one fund.

This had been changed at the 1997 reunion with a separation of the fund into 2 funds, one General Fund with Kathleen Robbins as Treasurer and a Scholarship Fund with Vickie Dove as Treasurer. It was from Treasurer of the General Fund that Kathleen Robbins resigned. Ruth Neal apologized for any hurt feelings that were certainly not intended. It was discussed whether or not to accept the resignations of Max Gum and Kathleen Robbins. Ruth Neal made a motion and it was unanimously accepted by the group to accept both resignations. Since their respective terms have expired, Ruth Neal suggested that a letter of “Thanks” for their years of service be sent to Max Gum and Kathleen Robbins .

The floor was then opened for nominations for election of officers. Nominations for President were Aaron (Skip) Neal and Robert (Bob) Henry. Skip was elected as President and Bob Henry was elected as Secretary for the Ruckman Reunion. Linda Winebrenner and Galen
Martin were nominated for Treasurer and Linda Winebrenner was unanimously elected to serve as Treasurer. Newly elected President,

Skip Neal, President.

It was reported that the General Fund has a total of $318.38. This was before the collection of 1998 was taken. $90.00 was collected for the General Fund.

It was reported that the Scholarship Fund has a total of $11,Ol5.50. This was before the collection and auction was done. $1321.00 was collected including the auction for the Scholarship Fund.

Two pictures by Judy Waltrip and a flower centerpiece From Russell Ruckman were auctioned.

It was learned that someone else has already reserved the picnic shelter at Watoga State Park for July 4, 1999 and therefore the Ruckman Reunion was to be held somewhere else; the place is unknown at this time but you will be notified. There was discussion as to whether to hold the Reunion on another Sunday at this Park or to go to another location on the traditional first: Sunday of July. No decision was made at this gathering and it was left to the Executive Committee to evaluate and decide.

Those 45 or so sales present were (On Sign-in Sheet) :

Robert & Julie Ruckman
Bob & Sally Henry
Wallace & Melissa Gum
Chris Freernan
Guy Ruckman
Aaron & Betty Neal
Jan Atkisson
Becky Williams
Darian Winebrenner
Steve & Debi Schmitt
Kenny & Bobbie Schaeffer
Virginia Dalton
Ruth Neal
Mahlon & Julie Waltrip
Lorrie Ann Boone
Mae Ruckman
David & Dona Ruckman
Cassie Schaeffer
Katherine Beard
Steve & Lynn Kiefer
Martha Parcher
Beth & Bob Krodel
Tammy Priestley
Candace Boone
Galen Martin
Russell Ruckman
Heather Schmitt

Alice Arbogest
Linda Winebrenner thanked Bob Ruckman for his many years of fine service as Bob Ruckman was nominated and accepted to serve as Historian.

Meeting closed at 2:18pm. before departing.
Folks visited for another hour or so.

Respectfully Submitted by Elizabeth Krodel in absence of
Secretary, Trudy Nye. and added to by Bob Henry, New Secretary