Ruckman Reunion July, 1976

At 12:45, President Bob Ruckman asked Fred Neal to ask the blessing of the meal. After everyone ate heartily, the business meeting was called to order at 1:50. The first item discussed was the treasury balance. It was noted to e enough to cover expenses of the coming year. Alfred Gum suggested keeping the treasury ahead of expenses. A collection was received – $ 14.00. This brings the balance to $ 38. 66

The Ruckman history book was discussed next. Everyone was disappointed that printing costs made printing the book out of reach. The general consensus of opinion was that everyone would like to have the material in the book. If printing was not possible another form would be suitable, ie. Mimeograph, copy machine. To this purpose, Alonzo will give $ 100.00 to help defray costs. Alfred Gum said he would contact Kathleen as to the possibilities. He would then call Bob Ruckman who agreed to pass the word to others. With no other business, the meeting adjourned.

Those present for the reunion were as follows: Robert & Julie Ruckman, Leivasy; Beaulah R. Arbaugh, Nitro; Mae Ruckman; Mr. & Mrs. Alfred R. Gium, Sr.; Alfred R. Gum, Jr.; Ruth & Fred Neal, Gettysburg, Pa.; Mr. & Mrs. T.W., Henry, Lewisburg, W.Va.; Vickie Ruckman; Gale Ruckman; Leivasy; A.E. Ruckman, Lebanon, OH; Frankie Ruckman Anderson, White Sulphur Springs; S. Glenn Smith, Millpoint; Alice L. Arbogast, Millpoint, Rick Ruckman; F. Wilmer Ruckman; Edgar P. Boblett; Wendall Clark; Katie Brooks and David Lee.