Brother Millard Filmore Ruckman, son of James W. and Caroline Arbogast Ruckman was born June 25, 1857, and
departed this life at his home near Millpoint, WV, June 30, 1914, aged 57 years and five days.
He was married to Miss Eliza Jane Smith, October 10, 1878. There were born to this happy union seven children, five
sons and two daughters, who with his wife survive him. The oldest daughter Daisy M., wife of Dr. M. C. Smith, resides
near Millpoint. The oldest son, Lee V., is now pastor of the Hot Springs Circuit in Virginia. Charlie, his second son, at the
time of his fathers death was located in Honer, Minnisota (sic), and Ernest, the third son in Smithville, NC. Both have since
removed to the state of Montana. The younger children, two sons and one daughter, are at home–Dennie, Ruth, and
Willie. He is survived by two brothers and one sister, J. R. Ruckman, of Millpoint; Otho W. of Arborvale, and Mrs. Nannie
Slavin, Marlinton. Also by one half-brother and four half-sisters–George Scales and Mrs. Lucy Taylor, both of the state of
Washington; Mrs. Mary Bartlett, of Marlinton; Mrs. Irene Reber, of Blue ray, and Mrs. Carrie Patterson, of Millpoint.
Bro. Ruckman was a consistent member of the M. E. Church, from his early boyhood days and gloried in nothing so much
as the cause for which he labored so faithfully and earnestly. He had for years filled the various offices in his church of
steward, Sunday School superintendent, teacher, etc. and was ever a tireless worker wherever duty called him. He was
about his Master’s business even to the neglect of his worldly affairs.