Meeting Minutes

Saturday, June 20, 2015

The Scholarship Committee met at the Hampton Inn in Lewisburg, WV at 3:00 PM. In attendance were Franklin Ruckman, Vickie Dove, Betty Neal, Robert Henry and Diane DiPaolo.

Franklin opened the meeting with a review of last year’s applicants for the Scholarship Fund. Then he went on to discuss the Edward Jones account. He explained that the fund recently received 501C(3) approval. This would make the donations tax deductible. Another change was to combine the four accounts into one account thus making it a little easier to work with.

Next, Franklin handed out a packet of graphs and information from the Edward Jones account which showed, among other things, the income growth since 2009. He said that the fund has given out a total of $44,000 in scholarships during this time. In considering ways to increase donations, he had two ideas. The first was to send a letter each December reminding everyone to consider donating to the fund. Then, along with the reunion letter/email to be sent each March, those who couldn’t attend would be asked to donate. Also, for those who could attend the reunion, we would encourage them to make hotel reservations at that time. A motion was made and seconded.

The next order of business was to discuss the applicants and awards. We had one new applicant, Benjamin Henry, who was interviewed by the committee. Vickie made a motion and Betty seconded it to give the repeat applicants $500.00 each and the new applicant would receive $1000.00. The awards, which total $4000.00, were given out as follows:

REPEAT APPLICANTS – $500.00 each

Pamela June, Darien June, Robyn Smith, Thomas Henry, Dana Ruckman, Courtney Bond

NEW APPLICANT – $1000.00

Benjamin Henry

The last order of business was the election of officers. Since the only officer whose term is up this year is Betty Neal, a motion was made and seconded to have her continue for another term, until 2018 and she accepted.

The meeting adjourned at 4:50 PM.

Respectfully submitted, Diane DiPaolo (secretary)